Installing Microsoft (RMS) Retail Management System on Windows 10 and 11. Part 2 of 2: SQL BC 2005 full install

This is the final installment of a series that shows you the process to prepating the environment for the RMS by installing SQL Backwards Compatibility 2005, for x64 processors.

By now you have downloaded it, and opened the installer using administrator privileges. (see previous blog entry)

I will post the pictures in rapid succession so you can follow the process.

Below is the EULA. Standard boilerplate stuff.

Username and Company name, these fields are mandatory.

Here are the features to be installed. You don’t need to make any changes. Just hit next!

The install process will proceed automatically. Then you will see the final message box!

There is no need to reboot. Congratulations. You have prepared windows halfway for Microsoftsoft Dynamics Retail Management System. A Point of Sale software which was head of its time in many respects, but due to how time progressed between 2003 and onwared in the tech corporation environment, developers and teams became reshuffled and understaffed.
I would like if someone where to do a youtube\other series that would find these older software projects and create an episode for them, speak to the developers, programmers, producers, any one that was involved. This would include some of the resellers and end users, etc that would like to discuss that age.

Many people still use the Microsoft Dynamics Retail Management System to this day! Some of the hotfixes were last reliable applied in 2014! This year I hope to transition my RMS clients over to the “spiritual” successor Retail Management Hero aka RMH.

RMH is a great product that is always improving. The same RMS database can be used, so your sales are intact. The receipt pictures unfortunately are still encrypted and Microsoft hasn’t given or (sold the key) to the RMH devs yet. I hope that happens, as Microsoft is still a good company that has since moved past the need for Point of Sale Software.

I will talk about Retail Hero in greater detail as we move ahead in the future. I will post the official training videos and may end up making my own. If you have any questions let me know.

Thank you for your time; I can’t wait to show you about the next steps moving forward for installing the Microsoft Dynamics Retail Management System (RMS) on the new modern Operating Systems. I hope you have a great day, and let’s make the Retail Hero the #1 Point of Sale system in the world!!!

About Will Schwarz

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